Call for industry challenges in medtech diagnostics
Are you a company with unmet diagnostic research and development needs? Are you looking for ways to connect into academic know-how? Do you want to develop a new diagnostic technology and apply for innovation funding?
Grow MedTech and Translate MedTech, in partnership with the NIHR Leeds Diagnostics Co-operative, are hosting an Academic Industry Meeting (AIMday) on medical diagnostics on 10 December 2020 and we would like to invite you to participate.
We are now inviting companies interested in the field of medical diagnostics to submit questions by 28 October 2020 that will be strategically matched to our academic base across six universities (Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds, Leeds Beckett, Sheffield Hallam and York).
Selected questions will then be discussed in detail in one-hour focus groups at the AIMday, led by you with members of the team to help.
By participating in AIMday Grow MedTech Diagnostics you will:
- Meet potential academic collaborators
- Connect into a group of highly relevant and engaged academics and clinicians
- Gain a new perspective on your challenge areas
- Expand your network and gain new contacts
- Gain information on relevant funding schemes and follow on support for applications
- Access support from the Grow MedTech team of Technology Innovation Managers
For key dates and further information, including how to formulate your question, visit the AIMday website or get in touch with Joe Drake who can help guide you.