Patient Engagement Open Forum Series

PARADIGM, Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD) and The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) welcome delegates to their 2020 Patient Engagement Open forum – a series of virtual events where delegates will work together, in a multi-stakeholder context, to turn patient engagement into reality.

The Forum aims to provide a holistic perspective of patient engagement, the landscape and actors, and foster collaboration and co-creation while breaking down fragmentation and silos that are often present in patient engagement work.

Topics range from tools and recommendations for effective patient engagement, methods for monitoring and evaluation of impact and outcomes in patient engagement activities, and fair market compensation for patient input to interactive sessions on assessing good practices in patient engagement and more.



9 July 2020

Parallel sessions:

10 September 2020

Plenary session

  • PARADIGM Patient Engagement Toolbox (webinar)
  • Patient Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (workshop)

24 September 2020

Parallel sessions:

  • How patient engagement can foster access through improved affordability? (webinar)
  • Patient engagement in clinical trial phase or/and in the regulatory submission phase (workshop)
  • From diagnosis to treatment and beyond: personalised medicine – what’s in it for patients and how to make it available to patients who could benefit from it? (workshop)

15 October 2020

Parallel sessions:

  • Patient Engagement and Quality by Design: Co-Developing an Implementation Roadmap for Clinical Trials
  • Good Lay Summary Practice, communicating trial results to the general public – How patient engagement can work

5 November 2020

Theme: Regulations (full session agenda TBC)

23 November 2020

Plenary session:

  • PEOF2020 conclusion session