Smarter innovation to drive growth – business support event
Innovate UK has come together with the Leeds City Region local enterprise partnership to offer a free one day event for the Yorkshire business community, particularly those businesses in Leeds and surrounding areas, together with organisations that support business innovation; to help delegates learn more about what assistance is available.
Delegates are invited to hear about how these opportunities will support your business and learn what help and guidance is available both nationally and locally, and how to access it.
Aims of the event
To help participants:
- To manage innovation, understand common challenges and find solutions
- Understand where to go for funding to support innovation
- Know who to approach for support in accessing funding
- Understand what is required in writing a successful grant application
- Meet and network with other businesses and organisations
- Connect with potential collaborators and research partners
Who should Attend?
Yorkshire businesses (especially SMEs) and ‘supporting actors’.