Yorkshire Business Forum – Pathways to EU Transition and Beyond – Funding and Support

The West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges (WYCC) and the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) want to support the growth and resilience of businesses in the region and their pathways to EU Transition and beyond.

For this reason, they are hosting a series of funding and support presentations and discussions for businesses who are interested in finding out about the support and funding already available. Allowing feedback on what might be needed beyond January.

They welcome you to join them in a virtual discussion around accessing support and funding (£1.5 million (ESIF) available) for up-skilling employees and training to support your growth plans.

They would also like to discuss your challenges around exporting and provide advice around the business support and training that can help business like yours to EU Transition and build a comprehensive supply strategy (import and exports).


  • Overview of Higher Performing Workplaces funding for training and business support – exports, EU Transition and Business Development (Joanne Harvatt, West Yorkshire Consortium Colleges)
  • Case studies from local businesses – exporting and importing (Cielo Cartwright – Group Finance Director – Braime Group PLC – and – Carles Palomo, Managing Director, Chemfix Products Ltd)
  • Trading with Europe and Customs 2021 – Post Transition (Paul Walters, Lattitude 7)
  • Discussion around business needs, challenges, solutions and future requirements – all
  • Other relevant support and funding: support for capital expansion (LEP), Enterprise Europe Network (Daniel Houchen)

The event will run as part of the West Yorkshire Consortium of College’s Higher Performing Workplaces and Let’s Talk Real Skills projects which are funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Register now