1. Learning is best achieved by doing

    Dr Jo Dixon-Hardy is the Director of Grow MedTech based at the University of Leeds. In this article, she discusses how we help academics develop their skills through training, mentoring and action learning.

    The success of Grow MedTech isn’t simply measured in the technologies we’ve helped to progress. We also judge our success by how much the academics we work with have increased their knowledge and understanding of the innovation pathway. Although most of what we do takes place outside a classroom setting, learning and skills development is still very much a central plank of the Grow MedTech programme.

    The real ‘teachers’ in Grow MedTech are our technology innovation managers, or TIMs. They are often seen as purely project managers, helping academics to keep to timescales and deadlines and prioritise work packages. They do all that, of course, but they do so much more as well. They act almost like mentors, guiding the academics as they develop their technologies. They provide on-the-job learning – or action learning – that really helps to embed a wider knowledge and understanding of how to progress a medical technology.

    Ask a silly question

    Our TIMs often say that it’s their job to “ask the silly questions”. By this, they mean the basic questions that need to be addressed right from the start. Such as whether the academic has sought a clinical opinion, or the patient perspective. Or simply whether a material has been toxicity tested. Asking these questions prompts the academic to think differently about their project – and ensures that, should they look to develop another technology in the future, they’ll consider such elements much earlier on.

    In a manner of speaking, the process is two-way. Because they have this source of expertise they trust, academics also feel able to ask ‘silly’ questions themselves, without worrying that they should know this already. That’s truly irrespective of where the academic is at in their career. You can start on this path as a new post-doc or an established professor – the learning process will be the same.

    Completing the application forms for our various grants is another form of action learning. The questions posed show the academic what needs to be considered at each stage of the innovation journey. For example, if they are applying for a proof-of-concept grant, how do they see their technology moving down a commercial pathway? The chances of an academic knowing that straight off are fairly unlikely. But this helps them know what questions need answering and the support of the TIM means they can find those answers. As a result, they gain more insight and more input, all of which is a learning process. Even if a funding bid is rejected, the detailed feedback that our opportunity management panel always provide also builds their knowledge and understanding.

    A wider knowledge base

    While mentoring is normally a one-to-one relationship, the TIMs provide the academics with access to a wider knowledge and skills base. Firstly, amongst the TIMs themselves, expertise is shared and any or all of them might input into each project. But the TIMs also draw in expertise from external partners, who provide further learning opportunities for the academics. They can help identify the right clinical partner for the project, if one isn’t already in place. Or the right industry partner – whether that’s a company that can help address technical questions about the technology, or one that can help with manufacture, for example.

    More traditional skills development, in the form of workshops and secondments, are available to the academics as well through our partner project Translate. The secondments are another opportunity to learn on the job – but in a new environment and from a new perspective. Professor Stephen Smith, an engineer from the University of York, says that spending time with medics and healthcare professionals when he was developing an innovation to support treatment of Parkinson’s provided more than just a secondment. The information and experience he gained helped him understand better how his technology could be developed.

    Practical application

    Similarly, the workshops we offer through Translate provide the greatest benefits for those academics who can immediately apply what they learn to a project, rather than putting it aside for use at some future date. This is where Grow MedTech and Translate complement each other so well.

    Working with the TIMs, filling out the Grow MedTech application forms, and receiving feedback from the grant panel helps the academics identify the gaps in their knowledge and experience. Because – and again, this is something our TIMs often say – you don’t know what you don’t know. Once the gaps have been identified, Translate – with its workshops and secondments – helps to fill them.

    The positive feedback from academics who’ve worked with our TIMs, taken up secondments and attended our workshops, is testament to how well this mix of action learning and formal training has helped to develop skills and build capacity in knowledge exchange.

  2. Developing skills through knowledge exchange: Dr Sareen Galbraith

    In this Q&A, Dr Sareen Galbraith, Senior Lecturer at Leeds Beckett University, discusses how our training and development opportunities have helped to progress both her technology and her career.

    Project summary: The team – led by Dr Sareen Galbraith, in collaboration with research and development company, Axxonet System Technologies, and the Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation NHS Trust – have developed a ‘Clasp’ glove, fitted with motion sensors which is designed to be worn for measuring and quantifying upper limb movement in Parkinson’s disease patients. Development of sensitive and reproducible personalised monitoring of patients will provide a wide variety of clinicians with regular objective measures of disease progression, reducing clinic costs and provide reassurance for patients and their care givers.

    Collaborators: Dr Geetha Upadhyaya – Director, Mr Chetan Mukundan – Director, Axxonet Global Ltd, Mr Chetan Mukundan – Director, Mr Sumit Sharma – Chief Technology Officer, Axxonet System Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Dr Walied Mowafi – Consultant Neurologist, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Drs Dawn Knibbs and Philomena Commons – Senior Lecturers in Physiotherapy, School of Clinical and Applied Sciences, Prof Dorothy Monekosso – Director of Research, School of Computing, Creative Technologies and Engineering, Leeds Beckett University.

    Q. How have you found working with co-development partners and what benefits has it brought to your technology? What skills have you learnt from partnering and how will these help you in future?

    There is no way that it would have been possible to develop the “Clasp” glove without Axxonet because I would not have known what sensors to add to the glove. There is no way I would have developed the glove without my clinical partners because I needed to work with them to design upper limb movement tasks that were similar to the clinical assessment, which is UPDRS.

    I have leant the value of spending time with other skilled professionals, such a medics and engineers is critical to the development of medical technology.

    Q. Where was your career and project when Grow MedTech got involved?

    I was a senior lecturer in microbiology and biomedical science. I lead the neurovirology and disease research group. I am developing medical technologies to support patients who are suffering from neurological disease and infections.

    Q. How did Grow MedTech and Translate MedTech help?

    I would not have been able to develop the “Clasp” glove without the two Translate secondments that I received. One secondment brought Dr Mowafi to the University to develop patient movement tasks and the other brought Axxonet engineers to the University to modify and further develop the “Clasp” glove prototype for clinical testing.

    I was fortunate to receive summer student project funding at a critical time for “clasp” glove prototype testing, which really sped up the development of the medical technology.

    I have also benefitted from extensive med tech training provided by Translate and Grow MedTech, which has really helped me to develop the “Clasp” glove. In addition, my Translate and Grow MedTech technology innovation managers have really helped and supported me as I developed the “Clasp” glove.

    I have learnt a lot through Grow MedTech and Translate conferences and events. I have benefited from the opportunity to present my research and network with other people.

    Q. How has your career developed during the project?

    I have been able to develop and receive funding for medical technology research. This has helped my career progression.

    I have learnt a lot about developing medical technologies for the NHS and other healthcare providers. I now understand a lot more about products, tools and services, marketing and delivering value.

    Q. What is the most unique or interesting thing about this project?

    Personal monitoring of a long term neurological condition.

    Q. How did you first get involved in your specialist area? What sparked the idea?

    I worked on a clinical trial in Nepal and saw first-hand the challenges faced by patients who suffer from neurological disease and infections.

    Q. What inspires you?

    Making a difference in the lives of others.

    Q. What impact do you hope your work will have on the world?

    I hope the glove will support patients with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. Those patients have a mixed disease progression, but they only see clinicians annually or biannually. This results in patients feeling that their medication is not working as well as it could. The “Clasp” glove will measure and quantify upper limb movement between clinical appointments.

  3. Compete or collaborate: why not do both?

    Dr Danielle Miles is the Programme Lead and Technology Innovation Manager for Grow MedTech based at the University of Leeds. In this article, she outlines how we combined competition and collaboration to build a successful programme.

    Competition and collaboration could be seen as mutually exclusive. At Grow MedTech, we’ve managed to create a culture that combines the two – and we’ve been more effective as a result.

    Multi-partner programmes like Grow MedTech are founded on collaboration, they can’t function without it. Collaboration was built into the programme from the start; the bid itself was co-developed by partners. Although all six institutions involved are very different, the strength of the programme is because together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

    That doesn’t mean that competition can’t exist as well and we’d be naïve to think it doesn’t. Although some see competition as a negative force, in reality the friendly form of competition we’ve developed within Grow MedTech has been no bad thing. In fact, I believe it’s helped us to drive forward better technologies.

    This combination of competition and collaboration significantly influenced how we managed the programme.

    Friendly competition

    One good example is around funding. The funding we had to support technology development could simply have been split six ways, letting each university use it as they wished to support the projects they chose. But all partners agreed from the start – in a collaborative spirit! – that we would allocate the funding through competitive calls, using a robust and transparent process.

    We created our Opportunity Management Panel (or OMP) to make funding decisions. The OMP is itself a collaboration between academia and industry: it includes knowledge exchange representatives from each of the partners along with external medtech expertise from industry and innovation organisations.

    Developing the applications for funding involved collaboration – between the Technology Innovation Manager (TIMs) and the project teams, and between the TIMs themselves. But the fact the process was competitive definitely drove improvement in the applications.

    I’m both a TIM and the Programme lead, and with the latter hat on, it was interesting to see how the TIMs became embedded in the project teams they worked with. It was also fascinating to watch the healthy competition that would develop as they so passionately wanted the projects they worked with to be successful in the funding bid. The TIMs themselves have to champion each project to the OMP so it was in their interests to be sure the application was as good as it could be. This was where the competition helped – no one wanted to sign off a weak application as they knew they’d have to defend it.

    Shared outcomes

    This drive for success was never because the TIMs wanted a project to be funded simply because of the institution it came from. It was from a genuine belief in the project and because they wanted the maximum number of the most promising technologies funded, for the overall programme to be a success.

    Because we all work together as a team rather than just for the institution in which we’re based, we also supported each other in developing bids. Each TIM has slightly different areas of expertise, and each project benefited from that, with each TIM providing recommendations and suggestions on the others’ applications.

    Although the funding calls were competitive, it wasn’t an ‘all or nothing’ outcome for the projects that applied. No one went away empty handed, because the OMP always gave extensive feedback, so the project team would learn about the gaps in their application and how to address them. This meant the door was never shut – if in scope, projects could always reapply once they’d addressed the OMP feedback. In fact, it was rare that successful bids came without recommendations or conditions. This feedback from the OMP, together with the support provided by the TIMs, was easily as valuable to the projects as the funding itself.

    Positive feedback

    The OMP feedback was also crucial for the TIMs. As they presented the project to the panel, they also listened to the subsequent discussion and fully understood why a decision had been made. This meant they could then talk it through with the project team and knew what to do next. It also meant that the TIMs developed an understanding of what a really good application looked like. So, as the programme progressed, applications became stronger and stronger as a result.

    And that’s the bottom line. It’s always been about supporting the best technologies and ensuring the best use of the resources we have. The competition means we strive for the best, and the collaboration means we share the success. The better the technologies, the more they can benefit from the opportunities Grow MedTech provided, the better for the programme as a whole. And that’s good news for everyone.

  4. Developing skills through knowledge exchange: Dr Lisa Miller

    In this Q&A, Dr Lisa Miller, Associate Lecturer at the University of York, describes how the collaborative approach of our funding lead to big developments in both her project and professional skills.

    Project summary: Developing a simple lateral flow assay (i.e. colour-changing strips like pregnancy tests) to detect resistance to beta-lactam drugs (such as penicillin). The test is designed to be fast and work from a patient’s urine sample – a quick tool to diagnose bacterial infections.

    Collaborators: Internal: Prof. Anne-Kathrin Duhme-Klair, Prof. Gavin H. Thomas, Dr. Steven Johnson, Prof. Thomas F. Krauss. External: Dr Neil Todd, York Hospital NHS Trust

    Q: How have you found working with co-development partners and what benefits has it brought to your technology? What skills have you learnt from partnering and how will these help you in future?

    Having a clinical perspective has been invaluable. Our partner at York Hospital NHS Trust was able to share how many samples are processed and the pros and cons of current methodologies. Dr. Todd also provided information infection rates and this is just not available in the public domain and I wouldn’t have been able to get this information otherwise.

    I was also promised access to clinical samples for testing. Unfortunately, COVID restrictions have prevented us from collecting the samples but this is something that will benefit the project in the future.

    Q: Where was your career and project when Grow Medtech got involved?

    I was working at a PDRA on a project aimed at developing a handheld device for profiling the susceptibility of bacterial infections. The lateral flow assay project was my side project that I worked on alongside my main project, it was in the stages of technical development and assay optimisation when we were awarded the POM award from GMT.

    It has given me the opportunity to pursue my own ideas, which is huge for an early-career researcher (ECR) such as myself.

    Q: How did Grow MedTech and Translate MedTech help?

    Through POM funding we identified Fuse MedTech as a suitable consultancy company to carry out the work, which provided us with important insights into the market and the needs of the end users.

    I also attended the Translate MedTech Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices training session.

    Our Grow MedTech Technology Innovation Manager has introduced us to the University of York Involvement@York Network Manager (Patient and Public Involvement) and connected us with a number of patient support groups. This in turn has led to a very successful PPI activity in conjunction with Bladder Health UK on Twitter, which has elicited nearly 500 replies from patients and their carers.

    Through our project development being advertised on InPart and Advanced Partnerships, we have received attention from companies like Merck and we are now getting vital technical and commercial support from Abingdon Health through consultancy funding which was awarded to the project by Grow MedTech.

    Q: How has your career developed during the project?

    Being able to fund my own translational research and product development is a big deal – both personally and for my future career prospects. I didn’t know anything about IP and filing a patent, or the value of PPI, before embarking on this project. The Translate training has enhanced my understanding of regulating an in vitro diagnostic device and I now have a much better awareness of the commercialisation process. Up until this point, my background has been very research-focused.

    Q: What is the most unique or interesting thing about this project?

    The lateral flow assay (LFA) is a simple test, it could provide a cost-effective way to improve the prescribing of antibiotics across the world.

    Q: How did you first get involved in your specialist area? What sparked the idea?

    I began working on diagnostics in 2017, when I joined the MAPS project at the University of York as a postdoc. Previously my experience was in chemistry: organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and surface chemistry. The MAPS project introduced me to biosensors and the area of diagnostics. During a discussion with colleagues about microfluidics I had the idea for the LFA.

    Q: What inspires you?

    Working with researchers from different disciplines, with different backgrounds. I like to work in a team with varied points of view. I want to work on something that has the potential to make a clinical impact – most chemists work at the early stages of research, so to be able to take a product all the way to market would be amazing.

    Q: What impact do you hope your work will have on the world?

    To improve the diagnosis of bacterial infections and help the global fight against the rise of antimicrobial resistance.

  5. Director’s message – Grow MedTech and Translate

    Dr Josephine Dixon-Hardy (Director of Medical Technologies Innovation at the University of Leeds and Director of Grow MedTech) provides a message for the programme community as UKRI Research England funding ends.

    Dear Colleagues

    I want to start my message by saying that I hope you are well after what has been an extremely challenging year.

    I am optimistic that we might make a return to some normality in the not too distant future. With that in mind, I wanted to give an update on the status of our regional programmes: Grow MedTech and Translate MedTech.

    Grow MedTech has been funded by UKRI Research England Connecting Capability Fund, and this comes to an end at the end of this month. We feel the programme has been a huge success, with more than 320 technology development projects supported involving over 30 universities, more than 350 academics, over 100 companies and around 175 clinicians and healthcare professionals. We are proud to have levered more than £11.6m to further progress technology opportunities in our regions, and I hope you have benefitted from our opportunities. Between now and the end of September we will be continuing to publish outcomes from the programme on our website and across social media platforms, and I hope you find these useful.

    Continuing to support medical technology innovation in our region is one of our central ambitions. Our Executive Management Group will continue to meet and review opportunities where we can work together, and there will continue to be someone available at each partner HEI to signpost aspiring innovators to the best people to support their needs.

    Over the coming months we will focus on delivering innovation learning and development opportunities through Translate. We currently have three secondment opportunities and a webinar series available, and we are planning our full training programme for Autumn.

    I want to thank you, on behalf of myself and our team of Technology Innovation Managers, for your dedication to the programme, despite challenging circumstances. Our community has made the programme the success that it is.

    I hope you have a wonderful summer break and look forward to welcoming you back through Translate innovation learning and development opportunities in the autumn.

    With very best wishes

    Dr Josephine Dixon-Hardy

  6. Partnerships only work when there is genuine trust

    Dr Jo Dixon-Hardy is the Director of Grow MedTech based at the University of Leeds. In this article, she shares her thoughts on building trust in partnerships.

    Partnerships between organisations are strongest when built on trust, but in itself, trust can be a fragile thing. It takes time to build but can be broken far too quickly, even by just one project, if things go wrong.

    We’re both proud and protective of the trust between the six Yorkshire universities involved in Grow MedTech. What does that trust mean in practice? I believe it means that Grow MedTech is an environment where all the partners feel able to take risks, develop ideas and resolve problems and the programme has been more effective as a result.

    By building a partnership, we’re asking people to come on a journey with us, to share that journey. And for them to make that commitment, they have to trust us, and we have to take concrete steps to show we’re worthy of that trust.

    What we’ve tried to do at every stage is put ourselves in others shoes. To think about what each institution brings to the table and how they can benefit from the programme. Each member of a team has different strengths, different priorities and different interests from the others, and recognising that is really important.

    Authentic relationships

    We didn’t start from a blank sheet. All bar one of the Grow MedTech partners had worked together as part of the Translate project – which they’d believed in enough to continue to fund themselves, when the grant came to an end. The same partners co-developed the bid for Grow MedTech funding and placed their trust in the University of Leeds to lead the application, thanks to our track record in running multi-partner consortia. Sheffield Hallam University was the only new partner in the proposal, but we did have a prior working relationship with them as well on which to build.

    We were keenly aware how precious this foundation of trust was and didn’t assume we could leave it at that. To retain trust, you need to give it focused attention. Trust needs to be nurtured through openness, transparency and true collaborative working. It needs to be underpinned by authentic relationships between all partners.

    The first step in building trust is to name it, make it part of the infrastructure that supports the programme. We did this through our team charter, which everyone involved signs up to. The charter is far more than a term of reference, covering responsibilities and what each person should do. Developed jointed by the executive committee, it lays out the principles by which we all behave and work together.

    We also built trust within the team through the process of co-recruiting to the programme. Each Technology Innovation Manager (TIM) is an employee of one university partner, but the process of selecting them was a joint endeavour. The TIM job description and specification was agreed by the whole executive committee and each recruitment panel involved a representative from another of the university partners to interview applicants. Together with the charter, this helped to create a shared infrastructure to underpin trust between partners.

    Trust at every level

    As Programme Director, my day-to-day interactions tended to be with the executive committee, which includes representatives of each of the universities involved in Grow MedTech. By building trust at this level of the organisation, this ensured it rolled out more widely to the innovation teams that each of these representatives managed. Thanks to the charter – and to a similar approach by my colleague Danielle Miles with the TIMs – the trust amongst the executive is matched at all levels within Grow MedTech.

    Openness and transparency

    Key to trust is ensuring that knowledge is shared and partners’ voices are heard and we have developed some very pragmatic solutions to achieve this. All Grow MedTech projects are on one shared database and this somewhat unusual approach ensures that all partners stay in the loop. At the quarterly meetings of the executive committee, we go through a risk register, which includes anything that could impact on success and how to mitigate those risks. We talk through both highs and lows and how the programme is doing in relation to our targets. Again, it’s an open, honest discussion, with nothing held back.

    The communication is never one way. All the partners can also see evidence of how we listen to their views and take those on board in how the programme runs. Each university involved in the programme is different – but that is why a partnership like Grow MedTech can do so much more than any one institution individually, whatever their size and funding.

    We also ensure we’re listening on an individual basis. Some people feel more comfortable than others in challenging ideas in a group setting, so I made it my job to regularly check in with members of the executive committee to ask how they felt things were going and if we should be doing anything differently. My colleague Danielle, as Programme Lead, takes a similar approach with the TIMs.

    An effective partnership

    The trust that’s been generated and maintained throughout Grow MedTech does far more than simply ensure we feel positive about each other as partners. It has directly contributed to the success of the programme. The trust – and the shared space that creates for discussion – has enabled individuals to step away from thinking only about their institution and to consider instead what will benefit the overall programme. Grow MedTech has been a more effective multi-partner programme as a result.

  7. Vacancy: Technology Innovation Officer in Medical Technologies

    Do you have a proven track record of progressing research in medical technologies towards clinical and commercial application? Do you have excellent project management skills? Are you keen to help drive forward the University’s ambitious plans for growth in this area?

    The Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering has significant capabilities that
    support the development of new medical technologies and these are united under a
    single gateway – Medical Technologies at the University of Leeds.

    Medical Technologies encompasses a portfolio of research and innovation
    programmes and projects: the Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge
    , Grow MedTech and Translate, hosted by the Institute of Medical and
    Biological Engineering
    at Leeds. The programmes and their underpinning research
    have grown and sustained a critical mass of medical technologies research and
    innovation excellence. As a key member of this team, you will contribute towards
    shaping the strategic research direction of Medical Technologies to maximise research
    impact and external income.

    With a PhD (or close to completion) and a Masters or a Bachelor’s degree in a medical
    technologies-relevant discipline, you will have experience of innovation and translating
    medical technologies research towards a commercial product. Working with the
    Medical Technologies Innovation Team and reporting to the Senior Technology
    Innovation Manager, you will work with academics from the University of Leeds and
    universities across the UK to help shape the translation of their research into
    commercial products that will benefit patients.

    To explore the post further, visit the University of Leeds recruitment page.

    The deadline for applications is 4 July.

  8. Future Space: Grow MedTech collaborates with Thackray Museum of Medicine for new exhibition

    The new exhibition will explore the cutting edge of medical innovations in our region.

    In the first collaboration of its kind for Grow MedTech, the coming months will see the Thackray Museum of Medicine showcase six current projects in Future Space, part of a £4 million redevelopment project for the museum.

    The refurbishment is set to tell the story of medicine – a subject which could not be more relevant at this time in our lives – in new and dynamic ways.

    “The museum has an interesting history, starting as a small family-run chemist shop in 1902, developing into a major medical supply firm, supplying drugs and medical instruments and equipment around the world. We thought as an initial exhibition in Future Space, we wanted to display current regional projects to show how far we have come in the area” said Sue Mackay,   Collections and Programming Director.

    “The museum’s founding collections are from the Thackray company who started a small chemist shop near the LGI in 1902. Through collaboration and innovation in medtech products, they became a major manufacturer of instruments and equipment, with a worldwide distribution centred on Yorkshire. Grow MedTech’s work is a contemporary extension of this and so it is a perfect fit for our Future Space gallery”.

    “We look forward to working with more medtech projects in the future and welcome approaches from those with an idea for public engagement”

    Sara Liptrot, Administrative Assistant for Grow MedTech said: “By curating the content for this exhibition I’ve learnt so much about medical technology innovations coming out of our region. We’re really excited to see the museum in person.”

    Dr Jen Edwards, University Academic Fellow in Musculoskeletal Medical Technologies, has a project on display at the exhibition: “To have my work on display at Thackray Museum of Medicine is a real honour. I have a vested interest in public engagement, it opens our eyes to even more possibilities to explore.”

    The Thackray Museum of Medicine is the UK’s foremost independent medical museum. It is unique in its independent status, strategic location and its internationally significant collection. The museum has its origins in a small family-run chemist shop, opened in Leeds in 1902 by Charles F. Thackray. Today, with over 50,000 objects and some 26,000 written works covering all aspects of the history of medicine, the Thackray Museum of Medicine is home to one of the most significant collections of its kind in the world.

    The Grow MedTech exhibits on display are:

    Best foot forward: Jen Edwards, University Academic Fellow, Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, University of Leeds; Dr Paul Rooney, NHS Blood and Transplant: Tissue and Eye Services; Mr David Russell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Virtual recovery: Ivan Phelan at  Sheffield Hallam University’s Impact VR Lab; Sheffield Children’s Hospital; National Hand Transplant Centre at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    The turn of the screw: Bradford University Chemistry and Polymer Engineering Departments; Innovate Orthopaedics Ltd, (a company that manufactures bone repair products); Fortius clinic (specialist sports medicine surgeons)

    The virtual physiotherapist: Dorothy Monekosso, Professor of Computer Science,  Leeds Beckett University; Stroke survivors, physiotherapist and occupational therapists to help develop and test the technology.

    Rock-a-bye baby: Sheffield Hallam University; Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

    Genuine PPI: Patrick Statham worked with Versus Arthritis on this project. He is a researcher at the University of Leeds, studying how to regenerate a patient’s own cartilage following damage caused by osteoarthritis.

    Image credit: David Lindsay

  9. Important news for our network: Simon Butler

    It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of our former colleague, Simon Butler.

    Simon passed away unexpectedly on Sunday 4 April and will be greatly missed by the Grow MedTech team and those who knew him through our network.

    Working as part of our Technology Innovation Management team, Simon provided a wealth of knowledge and experience in medtech development, and he combined this with a positive, passionate and friendly personality. He built lasting relationships with both the core team and the wider network, and remained closely connected as he started his role at the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) in 2020.

    A page dedicated to the memory of Simon has been set up to allow those who wish to share their condolences, memories and photographs.

    Simon Butler - Grow MedTech team
  10. Grow MedTech members named in 20 of the most inspirational women in tech working in Leeds.

    Two members of Grow MedTech have been named in the Leeds List ’20 of the most inspirational women in tech working in Leeds.’

    Cat Colquhoun (pictured) is our Technology Innovation Officer at Leeds Beckett University, and helps academics to progress their medical technologies towards clinical application.

    Victoria Betton is Managing Director of PeopleDotCom and an active member of our External Advisory Board, providing knowledge and insight in tech development.

    To view the full list and read the bios of all 20 women, visit the Leeds List website.